Wednesday, 10 September 2008

day 165

performance art
last day in the US, so I thought I'd meet some performance artists to see what was happening here in the portland underground. I went to a funky local coffee shop where lee kyle (left) and kaj-anne pepper were working, hanging out and talking about art.

lee currently has a one man show where he covers himself in blood while singing show tunes and burning the american flag. he showed us some pictures of a recent performance where he added a interesting twist (literally) where he removed all of his clothes and then inserted an oscar up his rectum.
funny thing is he seemed super nice over coffee!

last day of my adventure tomorrow. not sure what I'll find in transit but I've adored looking for things to share with you...

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Blogger eyefordetail said...

Okay, so that explains his terse expression...

It doesn't matter, I still love this shot. It looks like a movie still - has a beautiful narrative.

11 September 2008 05:10  

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