Friday, 12 September 2008

the end

last day art
my flight home had technical problems and so I was forced to stay in LA for 24 hours.
without a spare pair of knickers I was, understandably, a bit upset. but now I think it's a god-send.

this trip was unexpected. I often feel that the art I desire and make doesn't quite fit in the australian dance scene. so while I was desperate to go to paris, it wasn't something I was counting on. the irony of me getting something at the right time hasn’t gone unnoticed.

this trip to paris has been life changing. everyone goes through a time when things are imperceptibly wrong and we (australians) have so little to complain about that sometimes we just keep pushing.

coming back through the US and being forced to stay longer in a lonely city has allowed me some time to reflect on this trip. there are artists and discussions that have changed me. paris has changed me. new and old friends have changed me. talking each day with you has changed me. and I’m hoping to find that those changes stay with me.

I want to thank the australia council for keeping this strange studio and this rare open time for artists. It’s very brave. and quite spectacular. paris is not really a city for making contemporary art and so the space becomes a city of thinking and experiencing.

if you can't click on the above video, I've decided to make a short film about paris with some of the left over photos I took. I'll send it through as soon as I can.

thank you for opening your hearts to me. you can never know how much safer I feel and how the ground beneath me feels like it might be solid again.

love clare x



Blogger eyefordetail said...

My God, you look so fresh and gorgeous and happy, I cried when I saw you! Also, was relieved to see that you did your trademark cough when the word L.A. came up!!! Travel well. Xx

14 September 2008 07:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaarling, this is not the end of your trip. This is just the beginning of the next. And for sure we will all be part of it too. Kiiiiiiiiiiises, Fred & Denis

14 September 2008 11:16  
Blogger skellis said...

Lovely smile Ms Clare. Must all that reLAXing in the fresh LA air.

14 September 2008 15:40  
Blogger Jane K said...

I'm so glad to see a bit of you in your posting - not the view through you (although your views have been wonderful). I'm also glad that your next journey will be closer to home so we can talk and re-inspire one another in person. Welcome home Clare.
Love Jane, Justin, Lili and Jude

15 September 2008 00:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello and welcome home gorgeous smiley beauty. xstarla ps. does this mean you will release a film each week about your at home adventures?

15 September 2008 04:14  

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