Thursday, 31 July 2008

day 124

romainville boys
the delightful men of romainville.
betrand and julian taking an early evening break outside from the oppressive heat of the day...

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Wednesday, 30 July 2008

day 123

suburban roses
today was the perfect day to enjoy the sun and smell the roses.
out here is quieter, cleaner and slower: other than the odd statue, paris and her suburbs seem to have very little in commmon...

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Tuesday, 29 July 2008

day 122

stencil in the suburbs
we are back in the suburbs again until our studio is ready on the 1st. there is a strange déjà vu happening here so I thought I would run with it and see how nemo was doing. alas, since the first time I shot him on day 11, things seem to have changed.

losing this nemo, who was pretty special in my heart, has made me a bit sad. he was my first!
but one of the things I discovered when I found this particular nemo, was that opening your eyes and really seeing the world around you, is something that takes practice...

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Monday, 28 July 2008

day 121

metro back in paris, waiting at gare de l'est...


Sunday, 27 July 2008

day 120 - london

mother digging your mother in east london...

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Saturday, 26 July 2008

day 119 - london

telephone wires wired for sound in hackney, east london...

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Friday, 25 July 2008

day 118 - london

east london east london sign with optical illusion bricks...

east london this part of london was completely bombed in WWII and the 1950s reconstruction seems to have a charming linking thematic of 'ugly'. this delight is waiting to be pulled down to make way for progress but ironically it's now so 'out' it's almost 'in'...

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Thursday, 24 July 2008

day 117 - london

simon ellissimon ellis (a new zealand choreographer working in london) has been commissioned for the place prize. he is creating a gorgeous solo about a conversation with an icon of australian dance, which has become a duet with a predecessor, an influence and a ghost. after watching rehearsal I saw him off at the tube station (click to see more)...

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Wednesday, 23 July 2008

day 116 - london

soho market alex in his market stall in soho. I asked if I could take his photo and he said he was an old hand at being in the centre of a good shot. are you loving his fruit décor...?

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Tuesday, 22 July 2008

day 115 - berlin

world clock the television tower and the world clock: two iconic images of the GDR and the successes of east berlin. iconic buildings that represented different stereotypes depending on where you saw them from.
and now, they are have been re-absorbed into the 'new berlin' but are still traces, scars, reminders...

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Monday, 21 July 2008

day 114 - berlin

cemetery borderpatrol limit
it's impossible to convey the power and brilliance of daniel libeskind's jewish museum in berlin. the architecture has been created to evoke physical responses: narrow uneven corridors, voids without lighting or heating, sloping walls and spaces that can be seen but not accessed. it's one of the most astounding buildings I've ever visited. and I visit it every time I'm here.

last time I came however, there was an addition of an installation in one of libeskind's 'voids' - a space that runs the height of the building and has no lighting or heating. the installation is called fallen leaves and today I took some pictures...

patrol limitvoid hinterland
the work was created by menashe kadishman and is both a memorial to the holocaust, and also dedicated to all innocent victims of war.
the artist asks you to walk over the hundreds of faces made of sheet metal. but when you do, they echo and reverberate throughout the space and so once you are walking in the installation all you want to do is get out. but if you leave quickly there are ramifications: more noise and a difficult uneven surface. this work is eerie, and makes you quiet and reflect on the faces you are walking over. it's a profound experience, in a profoundly experiential building...

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Sunday, 20 July 2008

day 113 - berlin

void hinterlandpatrol limit
after the 'wall pickers'...

patrol limitcemetery border
these sections are now being preserved before they disappear entirely...

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Saturday, 19 July 2008

day 112 - berlin

east side gallery
'the kiss' depicting Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (USSR) and Erich Honecker (GDR) greeting each other.
the original photograph is equally as passionate although not in a trabant...

east side gallery
these images were taken at the famous east side gallery which is a 1.3km stretch of remaining wall that was painted by artists in 1990 to celebrate the wall's collapse. it's a bit worse for wear now, but I'll put up some more images here in the next few days...

east side gallery
this piece of the wall is at potsdamer platz which was leveled after WWII and then became a large part of the anti-facist protection barrier during the GDR.

this piece is in front of the new sony centre and says: at this point the first gap appeared in 1989 in the Berlin wall

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Friday, 18 July 2008

day 111 - berlin

patrol limitpatrol limit
the government has meticulously documented traces of the wall and the anti-facist protection barrier and so yesterday we went to find some of them.

these 'goose neck' light posts were designed specifically for the death strip and the numbers printed on them marked the limit of the patrol area. this is limit 35 in section 13...

void hinterlandcemetery border
the photo on the left is a void left in the hinterland on gartenstraße next to the railway. the old wall next to the train lines was used as an additional part of the protection barrier, but we had to climb it to see this void. I knew the void was there (from the government website) but the train wall seemed to present a difficulty in finding it. kindly someone had thought about that and had left foot markings and ropes to get up and over the wall! everything is an adventure here...

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Thursday, 17 July 2008

day 110 - berlin

wall memorial  wall memorial
there is a 'wall memorial' on Bernauer Straße in mitte that has re-constructed a section of the wall, the death strip and its installations and barriers.

on the left you can see how the wall looked and behind it, you can see one of the many cemeteries that was decimated to make way for the death strip. the 'no man's land' photos I took on the first day come from this area. on the right you can see the renovated wall from the western side which would have been convered in graffiti...

wall memorial  wall memorial
this is one of the electrical control boxes situated in the death strip. in the 4th incarnation of the wall (it kept getting improved) there were automatic weapons triggered by trip wires in addition to the numerous guards in the watch towers and flood lights...

the memorial information talks about this section of the wall: "Bernauer Straße became especially symbolic of the inhumanity of the Berlin Wall: Because of the way the border was drawn in this area - the houses on the southern side of the street were in the Soviet sector, while the sidewalks in front of them belonged to the French sector - the Wall had an especially dramatic impact here. When the border troops started walling up the windows on the ground floor of these houses in August 1961, people attempted to escape to the western part of the city through the windows on the upper floors. Pictures of these escape attempts were seen around the world. Later the tenants living on this side of the street were evicted, and the houses were torn down in 1965. Only the ground floor façades remained; these were used as part of the border wall until 1979."

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Wednesday, 16 July 2008

day 109 - berlin

palast der republik palast der republik
I've been riding around trying to capture the traces of buildings that have been lost. there are so many.

there are such clear scars of buildings that have been bombed or pulled down because of damage or because they were in the way of the 'protection barrier'. it's quite disconcerting when you come across holes in the facades that reveal such a clear action. what is even more disconcerting is that although most have been left and are obvious in their disappearance, often things have just been built around these holes (rather than them being re-built which is happening more now), making something completely new, that isn't quite new...

palast der republik palast der republik
there is this gorgeous michael ondaatje poem about scars which questions whether you would tell a new lover about a scar from an incident in the past. do you hide it? or tell them the details about something they can never be involved in? I'm not sure what the answer is in this case...

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Tuesday, 15 July 2008

day 108 - berlin

palast der republik palast der republik
back at the demolision site of palast der republik - this major scar within city is still causing controversy.

this building housed the government of the GDR (and cafes, discoteques and even a cinema) that was built on the even older site of the berlin city palace which was damaged in WWII and consequently pulled down. during the cold war, east berliners used this building to meet, socialise and experience life. it was more than just a government building, it was a symbol of normal (and interesting) life.

palast der republik palast der republik
but after reunification the building ceased to have a use and was re-claimed by artists. it became a haus of experimentation, innovation and amazing experiences. so this symbol of repression also housed hope, experimentation and was the funkiest place in town in two different decades.

a torn city has inhabitants also torn about what should be kept, what is a symbol of opression, what is a symbol of transformation and who should make these decisions...

> go to a lovely film about the palast looking at these ideas here...

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Monday, 14 July 2008

day 107 - berlin

one of hitler's bunkers built for the people in berlin that also housed anti-aircraft guns on its roof.
this bunker is now almost hidden by trees in
Humboldt-Hain park...

after reunification, the government tried to dismantle this bunker but found the infrastructure too solid.
so, they piled the rubble from the aborted attempts near the remains, forming a small hill which is now covered with trees. the remaining half has been left for rock-climbers and the curious...

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Sunday, 13 July 2008

day 106 - berlin

sentry boxsentry box
this watch tower (click to enlarge), now surrounded by pink apartments, is one of the few left in berlin. the official GDR name for the wall, these watch towers and the 'death strip' that had automatic weapons triggered by trip wires, was the anti-facist-protection wall.

the remains of the jagged wall that was part of this anti-facist defense system is about 300 metres from this rare remaining watch tower...

sentry boxsentry box
this watch tower is now a memorial and is called after Gunter Litfin, the first person shot on the
anti-facist-protection wall on the 24th of august 1962 – 11 days after the wall was erected...

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Saturday, 12 July 2008

day 105 - berlin

bullet holesbullet holes
this building has been left untouched since WWII and still has bullet holes everywhere...

bullet holesbullet holes
when I first visited this city ten years ago, there were bullet holes in buildings everywhere. it's not so common now, but the front of this building on
oberberger str. in fashionable mitte, reveals a trace of the unrest that was here for so long. the buildings either side have rendered these traces away, but three doors up, a renovated building has left two large bullet-riddled sections of their facade as a reminder...

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Friday, 11 July 2008

day 104 - berlin

death stripdeath strip
this small ten day project is about berlin scars. so an obvious place to start is with the death strip and the berlin wall. in mitte, the geographic centre of berlin, and part of the old east, the wall took a leap into the west to annex this old centre.
after reunification, this part of town became super-hip. brad pitt has an apartment here. but right in the middle of some of the most expensive real estate in town is part of the old no man's land between the walls, which has still not been re-claimed... (click on images to enlarge)

death strip

death strip
lest we forget: there is no forgetting here. when the wall was erected, all the buildings in this grassy area were removed to make the 'death strip' and the buildings that were left (including these) had their windows blocked up to stop 'escape' - people were even forced to start entering their houses from the back door.

wherever the wall was, the foundations have, where possible, been preserved. this is another angle of the same area on bernauer str. with the edge of the wall scarring across the street as a permanent reminder. this area was one of the most famous streets during the divided city as the walls were so close you could see into the gardens across the 'street'...

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Thursday, 10 July 2008

day 103

make art & love last day in paris for a while. strange to be leaving this little atelier and this small community of artists who have become like another home for us. difficult though this place is, I think I'll miss it: seeing friends in the street, asking how their work is going, watching the development of amazing pieces (pierre's work is finished!), working on projects that have had input from the neighbours, discussing post-colonial art-making issues during communal dinners. it reminds me a bit of my parent's house in the 70s - everyone coming over, bringing plates of food, drinking and discussing life. the support, the friendships.

these days everyone is very busy. there is never enough time, or people are 'stressed' from work. I'm not sure when getting older equated to living less, but this strange community has reminded me that connections are important when making life and making art...

make art & love found this bravely stenciled on the side of the centre pompidou. not sure how long it will last but I thought it was a nice idea to take to the next place...

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Wednesday, 9 July 2008

day 102

baguette everyone loves a cliché. if only there had been a béret...

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Tuesday, 8 July 2008

day 101

ping pong tables ping pong tables, after the rain in the early hours of the morning...


Monday, 7 July 2008

day 100

paris signs what does this city mean to us? the visitors, the flâneurs...

10 artists who have been here for a while, came to share their experiences of what it's been like to live and work as an artist in paris. what has it been like for these foreigners, living here and making art? sometimes for months, sometimes for an entire year?
after the initial shock of beauty has gone, what has paris left these strangers?

click meclick here to see the photographs we took today reflecting on our time in paris...

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Sunday, 6 July 2008

day 99

martine martine (from australia) in her writing studio after dinner, cheese & wine.
so very french...

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Saturday, 5 July 2008

day 98

bastille markets the bastille markets on a pouring wet morning - nothing stops the french from shopping...

bastille markets the boys hanging outside the market, watching and smoking and chatting...

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Friday, 4 July 2008

day 97

gay bar in the marais a lovely little bar in the marais where tonight, I had my first gin-fizz...

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Thursday, 3 July 2008

day 96

bikes the courtyard in dusk at 10.30pm...


Wednesday, 2 July 2008

day 95

basket ball young jewish boys playing in their school yard (the school is in the background) around the corner...

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Tuesday, 1 July 2008

day 94

Palast der Republik the construction in the middle of this picture is palast der republik which was built in the 70s to house the east german government. it was built on the site of the berlin city palace that was bombed in WWII and then demolished in the 50s. but now, for a number of reasons (including asbestos walls) it is once again, a building in the process of demolition, symbolically taking years to disappear.

berlin stencilbut most inhabitants of this city take this kind of change for granted: when I asked what had happened to the empty centre of this church, the unemotional answer was: an american bomb.

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